Page status
An explanation of the different page statuses used by Wikisource.

Validation path уреди

The validation path of the ProofreadPage extension involves five levels:

Without text
празна страница Not proofread Proofread Валидиран

Подробности уреди

The first three are the normal pathway :

This color coding scheme is also visible in the page index view, where each page is listed with the appropriate background color.

In addition,

  • Without text is for blank pages, or other pages that do not require double proofreading. (See all pages.)
  • Problematic indicates a problem that needs further discussion between contributors. (See all pages.)

You will find the buttons that indicate these status levels under the edit window. If a previous contributor has proofread the page already, they will appear as below:

Five buttons

If no one has proofread the page yet, the buttons will appear as follows:

Four buttons

In both cases, you can change the status of the page by selecting the appropriate button and saving the page. If the green "Validate" button is not available to you, it will appear for other users if you select the yellow "Proofread" button and save.

The state of each page in a document is shown on the index page, as shown in the screenshot on the right.

Поврзано уреди

Предлошка:Proofreading help navbox